Flowtest.ai – AI agent for end-to-end QA testing

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Your AI Agent For QA Testing

Discover website issues before your users do with autonomous AI Agent that continuously test & monitor your website

We are in open beta program with limited seats

Workflow of Flowtest.ai AI QA Agent

Does This Sound Familiar?

The most frequent challenges our customers solve with Flowtest.ai AI agent

Users Leave Due to Issues

Users abandon your website because something doesn't work there. By the time they're reported, you've already lost many potential customers. Your team was unaware of the problem, lacking comprehensive end-to-end tests.

Inefficient Manual Testing

Your team spends countless hours manually and repetitively testing various parts of your website, wasting valuable time and getting bored.

Fragile Test Maintenance

Maintaining Selenium, Cypress, or Playwright tests is a constant struggle. They frequently break and demand continuous attention. You want to increase test coverage but can't manage it with traditional technologies.

Let AI Agent Handle Manual Repetitive Quality Assurance

While you can focus on value creation and meaningful tasks

Codeless & No Implementation

Simply give agent a prompt, such as "Add any product to a cart and proceed until payment is required," and it will navigate your website like a real user. No implementation, coding or complex configurations required.

Self-Healing Tests

Agent automatically adapts to changes in website, eliminating the need for constant input like tests fixing and adjustments.

Latest AI Models

Future is here, agent can perform any task a real user would on your website: find content and elements, fill out forms, verify information, and browse seamlessly.

Robust End-To-End Automation

Define testing flows, schedule regular tests, and rest assured that your website is performing optimally. Receive instant alerts with detailed information for debugging whenever issues are detected.

4 minutes demo

Watch Flowtest.ai In Action

In just 15 minutes, we created a comprehensive flow test for Crutchfield online store. It covers the user journey from search box, cart, checkout until payment. By scheduling and running this test continuously, Crutchfield ensures proper automated end-to-end test coverage and instant issue detection.

ai agent for your business

Automate Testing, Elevate Quality

AI agents are the future, and Quality Assurance is one of the first areas where they will help humans. Let your team focus on meaningful tasks. Ensure your website visitors convert into customers seamlessly, free from technical issues.

Smart pricing

Flexible Plans for Every Need

Scale your testing capabilities without breaking the bank. Become our early customer and enjoy personal attention, ability to submit and vote for new features and future perks.

Free Plan

Great way to start and have 3 fully automated tests


per month

Business Plan

All you need for proper end-to-end testing automation


per month

Enterprise Plan

Custom solutions and tailored pricing for your needs

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